EU offers 1 million Euro in humanitarian aid to flood-affected people in Pakistan

The European Union (EU) has released an additional €1 million in humanitarian aid to respond to the floods that have affected Pakistan in the past weeks. The floods have directly or indirectly affected some 900,000 people.

The funding will help address the most pressing needs of the affected people in the provinces of Balochistan, Sindh, Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP).

Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarčič, said: “One year after the tragic floods that caused tremendous suffering in Pakistan, the EU remains committed to helping those most in need. As a new rain  season has again displaced thousands of people in parts of the country, this additional EU funding will help support vulnerable communities as they try to  recover their former lives.”

This funding will be used to provide multi-sectoral humanitarian assistance to those who remain displaced, as well as those who have returned to their place of origin, given the level of damage to houses and key basic services such as water and sanitation or health, EU Pakistan said in a statement.

As the winter season approaches, multi-purpose cash assistance, shelter and non-food items will be prioritized in this new funding.

The €1 million funding comes in addition to the €16.5 million already allocated in humanitarian assistance to Pakistan earlier this year to assist the most vulnerable population affected by conflict and climate-induced disasters.

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