Paulo Coelho urges people to send books to Balochistan

The people of Balochistan are opening one-room libraries to encourage youth to read books

Famed Brazilian novelist Paulo Coelho lent his support for the initiative of opening one room libraries for the people of Balochistan by tweeting that his fans should send books to the province. Coelho has a huge fan base in Pakistan and his books such as Al-Chemist, Eleven Minutes, and Brida are among the favorites.

The tweet quickly gained attention globally and has been retweeted over 3,600 times. The Local community members in Balochistan have started one room libraries in different parts of the province including Naal, Wadh, Awaran, Quetta, Kohlu, Turbat and Gwadar.

The idea behind these libraries is to help the youngsters in gaining access to the books that can broaden their vision and help them learn more. Students in Wadh have even converted a room previously used for drug use into a library.

Send books to Balochistan

Paulo Coelho’s tweet has certain generated awareness and interest both at home and abroad. However, tweeting and praising the effort may not be enough. In order for the effort to continue, help is needed from the masses.

Sikander Bizenjo of the Balochistan Youth against Coronavirus (BYAC) has been on board with the effort and has donated 500 books. BYAC is partnering with Global Shapers Karachi to provide food and support to rural areas in Balochistan that have been severely affected by the coronavirus and the lockdown.

“We noticed these libraries and reading centers have no government or official support, and thought of donating books to them. We found out what kind of books are required in libraries in Awaran, Wadh, Turbat to collect what they need,” Sikandar said.

Bizenjo highlighted the importance of these libraries as they are the source of learning about the world for the children in far off areas of the province. “They are fascinated to see the world through books. There lies a thirst,” he said.

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