Prime Minister Imran Khan on Thursday launched a unified Pakistan Emergency Helpline (PEHEL)-911 to facilitate common people at the time of emergency through a single platform.
“Now, every citizen in any part of the country will get the state’s response (in case of any emergency). This is a major move forward towards our mission statement of making Pakistan an Islamic welfare state,” the Prime Minister said while addressing the launching ceremony.
The prime minister said the government was striving to ease people’s lives as in any welfare state, the citizens should have the confidence of receiving the state’s response in case of any threat to life and property.
“It is a responsibility of the state and my vision is to make Pakistan a welfare state,” he highlighted.
PM added that the emergency helpline is a great project, which needs the support of all the federating units of the country.
He further appreciated the interior ministry and other collaborating units for setting up the helpline and said that it would also require constant coordination among all provinces.
“This project should have all the provinces on the same page because it was about the benefit of all,” he commented.
Significance of the PEHEL Helpline
As per the prime minister, the helpline would benefit the state and the citizens in the following ways:
- PEHEL helpline would enable the government in maintaining the crime data
- It would help in assessing the requirement of resources in different sectors
- PEHEL helpline would give the people a feeling that Pakistan is for all
How to Use the 911 Emergency Helpline
Now a caller will only have to dial 911 and it will be routed to the emergency response department concerned.
It is to be noted that all the 36 individual emergency numbers for the provision of emergency services like police, fire brigade, health assistance, motorway police, and disaster recovery are integrated into the national emergency helpline.